Grade 2

Grade 2 students embark on learning designed to meet the Maine Learning Results, build a solid base for the skills and concepts necessary to grow and succeed in up coming grade levels. Teachers may use supplementary materials and have enhanced learning opportunities beyond those listed here.

ELA: MSAD 72 has chosen the Into Reading. program to deliver instruction to our grade 2 students . .

Units iclude: Be a Super Citizen, Lead the Way, Be a Super citizen, and Weather Wise.

Math: MSAD 72 Adopted the I Ready Math program for K-8 Math. the concepts covered in Grade 2 include: Word Problems, Graphing, Adding and Subtracting with Multi Digit Numbers, Partitioning Shapes ( pre- fraction work) and arrays.

Science: Grade 2 teachers have access to Mystery Science Curriculum. They may however, utilize enhanced learning opportunities or integrate lessons with other content areas as well.

Grade 2 concepts include :

Animals and biodiversity, Plants Adaptations, Erosion , and the Earths Surface and Material Properties

The units here cover more Next Gen Science Standards (NGSS). than are required by the Maine learning Results.

Social Studies :Themes covered include: Expanding My Community, Real Money Value, Maps and Globes, Cultures and Traditions.